Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My Confession

Have you ever wondered how you can tell or encourage someone about something that you really don't or won't or can't believe for yourself?

Well, as a parent I have done it OFTEN!!

I have always told my daughters they could do anything and everything they've ever wanted to do and they could be anything and everything they've ever wanted to be.  

Today, it occurred to me that I have NOT always believed this for myself.  Now, here's the irony of it all.  I realized this just today, as I was telling myself, "Yvette, you can be anything and everything you want to be and you can do anything and everything you want to do!"  That's when it hit me; I have never believed this for myself.  I think it's because I never aspired to do anything GREAT; at least not by the world's standards.  I never aspired to be the President of the United States, I never aspired to be the first woman to _______, I never aspired to be the first black woman to ______; I've just been ok with just being ME.  On another note, I've always BELIEVED that being ME was a GREAT person to BE.

You see, until about a year ago, I lived my life for my children; well, they are grown women now.  My entire life was about them. I raised them to be independent and self-sufficient; the same way my father raised ME.  My goal was to get them through life with minimal stress and/or strife (as much as I had control over it), and provide them with a firm (sound) foundation in education, family values, and a Christian Lifestyle (once I understood the purpose and value in being a Christian myself).  Well, to the best of my ability and with the guidance of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, I've done just that.

The question now is, "Where do I go from here?"   This brings me back to my original thought, "Yvette, you can be anything and everything you want to be and you can do anything and everything you want to do!"  

So, maybe this is more than My Confession; it's my ENCOURAGEMENT to YOU!!  

You can be ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you've ever wanted to BE and You can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you've ever wanted to do!!

I hope I have encouraged you today!


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Where Do I Begin??

Where do I begin with this post?  I do not know where to start and not really sure what I want to say.  I just felt compelled to write – to say something because so many GREAT things are happening in my life.  I want to scream it from the mountaintops.

When I signed up for this virtual book tour, I really had no idea of what to expect.  I know this may not sound right, but I really didn’t have any expectations at all.  I knew that my book would get into the hands of people I didn’t know and who I definitely would not have otherwise come into contact with; but what I did not expect was the wealth of responses that I have received from/for the book.  The book reviews have been off the chart!!!  I mean, people didn’t just sit down and write:
  • “This is a good book. “
  • “The subject matter of this book is on time.”
  • “This book is a must read.”
People really took their time to read and digest what I had written.  Even in their reviews they pulled out parts of the book they truly connected with and/or resonated with their Spirit.  I can tell you, this is an AWESOME feeling and has been a wonderful EXPERIENCE.

I have met so many survivors of Child Sexual Abuse since this tour began that it is really mind-boggling.  Even though I have researched the statistics, I know the prevalence rates…I still cannot believe how often Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) occurs.

It is generally believed that an estimated one in four girls will be sexually abused by her 18th birthday. Boys are abused at the rate of about one in six. Usually, the abuse begins gradually and then increases over time. It is rarely a one-time incident. Often, it continues for years, until the abuser is found out or the child grows up and moves away. (Retrieved from: http://www.heroproject.org/en/how-often-does-child-sexual-abuse-happen)

As a community, society, nation, country, citizen, an individual we MUST do our part to STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE!!

I pray you will join me, I pray you will join others in this MOVEMENT.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Book Review By Sonja M. Sells

Enjoy this review of I Didn't Know by Sonja M. Sells, Breath Inspired Thoughts

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and could relate to the content being I experience sexual abuse as a young child. Even though an easy read, this book confronts what many in today’s society feel is a touchy subject. I liked that she shared her personal story but also backed up with facts and discussed the different forms of abuse. I give her kudos for laying self aside and being the voice of others who even though they may be grown, still have yet to discover their own voice. While reading this book, I kept thinking how this is truly a seminar in a book! I recommend this book to all readers who desire to be set free as well as educated on the subject.

Start believing in yourself because I already do!

Sonja M. Sells

~Tour Schedule~

October, 7 Perfect Chaos http://tinyurl.com/knn3cgn
October 7 Aspired Writer  http://tinyurl.com/m5yo6ge
October 8 Diva’s Literary World  http://tinyurl.com/m6cghye
October 8 All That Buzz Reviews http://allthebuzzreviews.com 
October 9  Thought Provoking Perspective http://thoughtprovokingperspectives.wordpress.com/
October 9Shades of Romance http://sormag.blogspot.com
October 10 Breath Inspired Thoughts  http://www.breathinspired.com
October 10 Jewell D Moore http://jewelldmoore.wordpress.com
October 11  Makasha Dorsey  http://makashadorsey.com
October 14 Written Voices Blog http://writtenvoicesblog.com/
October 15 Ms. Minolta White http://whiteminolta.blogspot.com  
October 16 Black Lilac Kitty http://blacklilackitty.wordpress.com
October 17 Authors & Readers Book Corner http://arbookcorner.wordpress.com
October 18 My Devotional Thoughts http://www.mydevotionalthoughts.net
October 21 The Spotlight is On You http://pharperjohnson.wordpress.com
October 22 Editorial Independence http://www.editorialindependence.com
October 23 Cheryl’s Christian Book Connection   http://cherylschristianbookconnection.blogspot.com  
October 24 Empowered to Prosper http://empowertoprosper.wordpress.com/
October 25In Another World  http://susanleighnoble.wordpress.com/
October 28 You Gotta Read Reviews  www.yougottaread.com
October 29 The Author’s Hideaway   http://lwtheauthorshideaway.blogspot.com 
October 31 Chick Lit Gurrl  http://chicklitgurrl.blogspot.com

~Radio Shows~

Tuesday, October 8
The Cyphers Den
Host: Nefertari and JaeQwon
Call in# (646)200-4307
7:10 P.M. EDT
Sunday, October 13
Author Chat
Host: Lynda Brown
Call # (424) 675-8262
4:00 P.M. CST
Tuesday, October 15
Conversation Live Radio
Host: Cyrus Webb
Call in # (347)426-3645
8:00 P.M. EST
Wednesday, Oct 16
Divas Literary World
Host: Lisa Muhammad
Call in # (914) 338-1494
12:00 P.M. EST
Friday, October 25
That Literary Lady
Host: Yolanda M. Johnson-Bryant
Call in# (646) 716-8598
6:30 P.M. EST
Saturday, October 26
Indie Review Behind The Scenes Radio
Host: Michelle Cornwell-Jordan
Call in # (888) 436-7591
11:00 A.M. CST
Saturday, Nov 23
Off The Shelf Radio
Host: Denise Turney
Call in # (347) 994-3490
11:00 A.M. EST

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Virtual Book Tour

Here's the link to view my schedule for my Virtual Book Tour:
Oct 7 - Nov 1


Diva's Literary World : Review: I Didn't Know

Diva's Literary World : Review: I Didn't Know

Here's a review of I Didn't Know from Lisa Borders Muhammad

Review: I Didn't Know

I Didn't Know
I Didn't Know by Yvette L Allen Tatum

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book in one day and even highlighted specific parts that I wanted to go back to after it has marinated on my mind for a few days. This book pulled on my heartstrings and emitted a turmoil of emotions from the time I opened the book and the author spoke about her own personal sexual assault beginning at the tender age of 7. As a mom of five children, the youngest being 8 years old, tears fell. I cried for the author who is now a grown woman and I cried for the children that lost their innocence from a sick adult who thought it was okay to violate, yes violate, someone who didn't know!

The book breaks down the definitions from what we think they mean to the legal meaning for them. It is important that we know we can't protect our children 24 hours a day as they go to sporting events, afterschool activities, friend's homes, etc but we can do our damn best to make sure they know when someone is touching them in an area that is "covered" and that it is okay to tell a trusted adult. We also must realized not all the time, it is a stranger who sexually assaults someone....most often than not, it is a family member, close friend or clergy member.

We, as a society, have to stop making this topic taboo in our homes, places of worships and schools. Our children can not be afraid.

I applaud Yvette Allen-Tatum for bringing this subject to the forefront. This subject must be direct as to do away with any myths. I highly suggest parents get this book and start an age-appropriate discussion with their children... boys and girls as no one is exempt from a sexual predator. Parents, do your research, recognize the signs, search for predators in your area by going to your state police website, be informed. Never should YOU say " I DIDN'T KNOW."

Perfect Chaos: I didn't know book review and Tour by Yvette Allen Tatum (Write Now Literary Blog Tour)

Perfect Chaos: I didn't know book review and Tour by Yvette Allen Tatum (Write Now Literary Blog Tour): Perfect Chaos

Welcome to Perfect Chaos. My name is Stacie D. Wyatt. I am a published poet and writer. http://www.amazon.com/author/staciewyatt I am also a product and book reviewer for a few sites. I will post reviews here regularly. I also have two kids: 12 years old and 1 year old. My oldest is Autistic and my youngest is developmentally delayed. I also enjoy writing about the ups and downs of parenting two differently-abled children.

I read I didn't know by Yvette Allen Tatum, in exchange for honest review from Write Now Literary Blog Tours. I received a paperback for review. This post contains Amazon affiliate links/images. This book discusses childhood sexual abuse. This post contains sensitive content.


The book discusses identifying, confronting, and overcoming childhood sexual abuse. I never been sexually abused, but I thought this was an important topic to read about and share with others. I also recently found out a former college classmate is serving life in prison for child molestation. He is 40 years old. It was his third strike. Another former friend of mine also is spending 20 years in jail for child molestation. The power of Google. I just wanted to see what both was up too and found their prison records. It was a sad day.

I never thought these two men would never touch a child. They both had good jobs, had kids of their own, had certifications, degrees, etc. They both loved women as well. I don't know what made each go and commit their heinous deeds.

Next, I have been asked for sex by an older cousin (not biological) when I was a teenager. I walked away and never told anyone. I was a virgin and I was not going to sleep with a married cousin.

Third, another incident was when I was staying with someone in Atlanta. I had the webcam turned on, having a video chat over Skype or yahoo. The chat was generic, non sexual, when a child, walked by in the background, asking me for something. This man actually asked me if I would touch the child on the genitals. He would even pay me. I quickly shut down the chat and blocked him.

Finally, when I was an adult, I was walking down the street to a friend house. An older man, who was sitting in his yard, tried to talk to me. He thought I was underage. I told him, if he thought I was underage, why was he trying to talk to me. I kept walking. I did not entertain the conversation further.

In the book, the author not only shares her story of abuse, but shares other individual's stories. The book also teaches people, we need to:

  1. Identify sexual abuse of children
  2. Raise awareness about sexual abuse
  3. Know the signs and symptoms of sexual abuse
  4. Confront sexual abuse of children
  5. Believe the child and investigate all claims
  6. Error on the side of caution (the child). 
  7. Stop believing the accused is always innocent.
  8. Overcome childhood sexual abuse. 
The book is available in kindle and paperback. 

Perfect Chaos: I didn't know book review and Tour by Yvette Allen Tatum (Write Now Literary Blog Tour)

Perfect Chaos: I didn't know book review and Tour by Yvette Allen Tatum (Write Now Literary Blog Tour): Perfect Chaos

Welcome to Perfect Chaos. My name is Stacie D. Wyatt. I am a published poet and writer. http://www.amazon.com/author/staciewyatt I am also a product and book reviewer for a few sites. I will post reviews here regularly. I also have two kids: 12 years old and 1 year old. My oldest is Autistic and my youngest is developmentally delayed. I also enjoy writing about the ups and downs of parenting two differently-abled children.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Book Review of I Didn't Know

This is a review of my book, I Didn't Know

The review is by Lynelle Clark

I received this book from the touring host for an honest review.

Informative well laid out and to the point. 
A very serious subject is touched in this book, and I love the title of the book. After reading the book, you will have no excuse. The Word of God says "Be vigilant for your adversary walks around like a lion to see whom he can devour."
What author Yvette Allen-Tatum does is profound, being the voice of the millions of children that can not speak for themselves due to threats made to them, and their families. Obedience is such an important thing in our children, it gives them the boundaries to walk in and is a security blanket, knowing they are safe and someone loves them. But yet it is also the one thing that will put our children in harms way. The author highlights it, the offender will use it to his advantage. Never saw it that way, after reading the book I can not say I did not know. 
She is very direct in her approach, telling it as it is but yet the compassion and love of the subject is wonderfully illustrated throughout this book. Breaking down the lies that us as grown-ups and children believe.
This is a book that I can recommend to all readers with children, not only Christians. Yes, the author comes from a biblical perspective, but she does not preach, only laying down the facts under the guidance of the Bible. Instructional and informative.
An easy read, as she confronts and detailed the issues regarding this topic.  Coming with facts and not mere speculations. Easy to understand as she comes straight to the point, but always in love and understanding.

Diva's Literary World : Review: I Didn't Know

Read this post/review of my NEW book I Didn't Know

Diva's Literary World : Review: I Didn't Know