Sunday, February 24, 2013

I Choose To Be Happy

Today, I am choosing to be Happy and I am daring you to do the same.  I know in Christianity we often talk about Happiness vs. Joy.  I'm also sure you have even heard people say that they rather have joy instead of happiness because "happiness" is based on what is happening.  Well, for the most part that is true and I believe it myself.  But this post is not for the Super-dooper Christian.  This post is for those who feel less than super most of the time.  In fact, you have been down for so long you cannot even begin to conceive what "Joy" is, much less have it in your life.  Yes, this "Blog" is for YOU!

I am choosing to be "HAPPY" today and each and everyday of my life because I realize that my personal "choices" in life affect me much more than my circumstances.  Now, this may seem obvious to you now, but in the midst of a storm it's not always clear.  Thus, that is one reason why we call it a storm; it's cloudy with a chance of tears.  We cannot see our way clearly.  We cannot figure out how we got here nor how we're going to get out of it; much less if we're going to get out.  This leads me back to my statement:  "My choices affect me more than my circumstances."  Why?  Because my circumstances are a by-product of the choices I've made in life.  Therefore, I need to make better choices and I definitely need to make choices that are going to make me "HAPPY".    

With that said, I have also learned that regardless of what happens to me or around me, it is my choice how I "choose" to respond.  More important, it is my choice how I allow it to impact/affect me and even those close me.  Yet, I won't dare try to fool you by making you think that this is easy or that I came to this revelation overnight.  No, it came through pain-staking time and even sometimes the agony of defeat.  And do you know what I found out?  Part of my defeat was that I was allowing others to control how I felt or responded.  Now that's defeat for you.  But no more!!!

Today, I am choosing to be "HAPPY" and I am daring you to do the same.  You can take baby steps.  In fact, I recommend it.  Don't try to take this challenge head-on and/or by leaps and bounds.  Take it one second at a time, one minute at a time, one moment at a time and then one day at a time.  This is something that can and will build just like your faith.  And believe it or not, your personal state of happiness will become a breeding ground for your "JOY!"  Yes, the longer you maintain a state of happiness you will achieve stability in your life which will eventually lead to, "JOY, unspeakable JOY!!" 

Joyful people are people who have balance and stability in their lives.  They are not easily moved or swayed by people, places or things.  Stability doesn't come by osmosis; you have to practice this and purpose it in your heart. 

So come on and say it with me, "I choose to be HAPPY and I am starting TODAY!!"

Peace & Blessings,
