Saturday, February 12, 2011

Be Careful

In ministry, we often get excited about opportunities to speak or to be a part of something (i.e., conferences and the alike).  We typically, if not you at least I do, take these invitations or view these invitations as an "Oh moment!"  We're like wow, thank you God, somebody actually sees in me what I know you put in me.  We think this is my opportunity - this is my chance.  Little do we know:  (1) it's usually never about us.  Yes, it is true, what God has for us is for us.  But when God uses us (the gift of ministry in us) it's never about us, it's always about someone else.  (2) God is stretching you in that area of ministry.  Now this one is the one that is a BIG pill to swallow.  Why you might ask?  Because stretching means testing!!  Well, that's all I have for now.  Peace and Blessings!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

This is my first day of blogging...really my first attempt at blogging.  I thought this would be a good place, format, way for me to express myself that typically does not work well on Facebook or Twitter.  One of the key reasons is that I really don't want to be limited to the number of characters (or words) I can use.  I want to be able to say what  I want to say and how I want to say it.

I may not have much for you today, right now, because I need to gather my thoughts and determine exactly what I want to express.  I guess the main thing you need to know about me is that I love the Lord and I love God's people.  While I am not a perfect person I do strive for it; yet not in the eyes of man but in the eyes of my Heavenly Father.  You see, I only want to be pleasing in my daddy's eyes.  That's all that really matters to me.  With that said, I already know the next thing that will happen - the flood gates will open  and all eyes will be on me waiting to see what I will do next.  Really, waiting to see how, when and if I fall so that they can say, "SEE!"  Well, in the words of Steve Harvey, my comment to the nay-sayers in advance is, "Don't Trip!  He Ain't Through With Me Yet!!"  That's it and that's all for now.  I think I like this.  I just may come back.